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  • Writer's pictureMedi Jones

What's The Deal With Moldavite?

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

If you’re part of the crystal world, you’ve probably heard of Moldavite. It’s become a popular topic of conversation TikTok, meaning its popularity has exploded and it has taken the internet by storm. TikTok users have been sharing their Moldavite experiences, showcasing its unique properties, and discussing the intense energy associated with this mysterious green gem.

Hailed as the 'holy grail' stone that can turn your life upside down, you may have heard horror stories like, ‘Moldavite ruined my life,’ or ‘after getting a moldavite stone, all my friends dumped me.’ But does moldavite really have this power, or was it just bad timing? Moldavite is known for its intense and transformative energy, and people may have different reactions to it based on their individual experiences and beliefs.

In this blog post, we explore what moldavite is, how it was formed, and the benefits of using moldavite crystals.

Key Takeaways

  • Moldavite is a Tektite created from meteor impacts.

  • Moldavite is a rare and expensive crystal known for its wonderful healing properties.

  • Moldavite is a grounding stone. It also opens the heart chakra, can increase psychic abilities, and expedite transformation.

  • Moldavite is a powerful stone and is not considered beginner-friendly.

What Is Moldavite?

Moldavite is a dark green tektite known for its transformative powers. Moldavite formed when a meteor hit the modern day Czech Republic around 15 million years ago. The high temperature and pressure melted the silica sand in that area to create a 'space glass' with a generally mossy green hue.

This beautiful stone has intense metaphysical properties, high vibrations, and the power to change your life. Some people say it has extraterrestrial energies that can expedite spiritual growth. It has also been rumoured that moldavite has intense emotional healing powers and physical healing powers.

Real moldavite crystals are very rare and expensive, so you won’t find it in the collection of a casual crystal lover. It is known as the 'holy grail' to many crystal collectors.

Can you find moldative anywhere else?

If your moldavite says it's from anywhere apart from the modern day Czech Republic, it's probably fake. It's easy to imitate due to its green glass appearance.

What’s The Difference Between A Tektite And A Crystal?

A tektite is a type of natural glass made from the impact of a meteorite. They are usually very small, with a textured surface, and can be black, brown, green, or grey. Tektites were formed a very long time ago and are primarily formed of silica.

Even though tektites are technically glass, they are still considered to be a gemstone. Other types of glass are also considered crystals, like Obsidian. This is volcanic glass.

Crystals are different from tektites because they form within the earth and have crystalline structures. Crystals are made of repeating patterns of atoms or molecules, creating unique and often beautiful geometric shapes.

It is thought that the different chemicals in a crystal’s atomic structure are what give crystals their different healing properties.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Moldavite?

There are many benefits to using moldavite in your meditations and manifestations. These include:

  • Positive change

  • Metaphysical healing properties

  • Physical healing powers

  • Spiritual healing properties

  • Clearing negativity

  • Balance

  • Acceptance

  • Healing past trauma

  • Grounding

  • Raising your vibrations

There are many uses of Moldavite. Known as the stone of transformation, it has a strong power to facilitate positive change, enhance self-awareness, and accelerate spiritual and personal growth. Moldavite pushes you to realise your full potential and waste no opportunity.

It is often said that moldavite slams shut any half-open doors in your life, and rips open the ones that are meant for you. It can be intense and scary, but it can be a great option if you’re ready to grow.

How To Spot Fake Moldavite

Spotting fake moldavite is no easy task. Because Moldavite has a natural glass texture, it is easily imitated by certain cuts of synthetic glass. However, there are some tips for spotting fake moldavite:

  • Check the colour. Moldavite crystals are known to be green stones. However, they have a unique olive green colour that is difficult to mimic. This generally mossy green hue is not usually found in traditional birthstone crystals or imitation glass. As a result, it's easy to tell a fake modlavite crystal from the genuine article.

  • Check the border. The border of a modlavite crystal should be more translucent than the centre. A fake moldative stone may be translucent all the way through or may not have the tell-tale edge translucency. Try holding it up to the light and see if the green colour fades towards the edge of the stone.

  • Look for bubbles and inclusions. Genuine moldavite may contain small bubbles or natural inclusions. However, large or perfectly round bubbles are indicative of a potential fake. Hold the stone up to natural light to spot any irregularities in its structure.

  • Verify the surface texture. These green crystals have a unique texture resulting from the rapid cooling of molten material during impact. Fake moldavite may lack this characteristic surface texture or exhibit a smooth, polished appearance. Feel the surface for irregularities and small, crater-like pits.

  • Temperature test. Genuine moldavite is known for its ability to become warm to the touch due to its intense frequency. Hold the stone in your hand for a moment and see if it warms up. While this is not a foolproof method, some people believe it is an indicator of authenticity.

  • Check the weight. Moldavite is a relatively light stone compared to other crystals. Genuine pieces may feel lighter than their size suggests. If a specimen appears too heavy for its size, it could be an imitation.

How To Cleanse Moldavite

Cleansing moldavite will rid the stone of any negative energy, restore its deep healing properties, and support the crystal's intense frequency. Check out these commonly suggested methods:

  • Moonlight Cleansing. Leave your moldavite under the light of the full moon overnight. This method is thought to allow the stone to absorb the moon's energy and cleanse itself.

  • Sunlight Cleansing. Some people believe that placing moldavite in direct sunlight for a brief period can cleanse and recharge its energy. Be cautious with this method, as prolonged exposure to sunlight may affect the stone's color or cause it to become brittle.

  • Earth Cleansing. There's nothing better than mother earth to regenerate the powers of your moldavite crystal. Bury your moldavite in the soil for a day or more. The earth is considered a grounding element that can absorb and dissipate any negative energies stored in the stone.

  • Selenite Charging. Some people use selenite to cleanse and charge moldavite. Place your moldavite on or near a piece of selenite for a period, as selenite is believed to have purifying properties.

How To Charge Moldavite

You should charge your moldavite crystal after you cleanse it to ensure your moldavite carries its metaphysical properties properly.

  • Visualization and Intention. Hold the moldavite in your hands and focus on your intention to charge it with positive energy. Visualize a bright, pure light surrounding the stone and infusing it with revitalizing energy. This method is often combined with meditation.

  • Sound Charging. Expose your moldavite to sound vibrations, such as those produced by singing bowls, bells, or tuning forks. The idea is that the sound can clear and charge the stone's energy.

  • Nature Charging. Place your moldavite in a natural setting, such as a garden or near plants. The natural energies of the earth can cleanse and recharge the stone.

What Are Moldavite Healing Properties?

Moldavite has intense healing properties. These include:

  • Metaphysical healing properties

  • Physical healing properties

  • Spiritual healing properties.

The metaphyscial properties of the moldavite crystal are believed to clear negativity, eliminate doubt, and allows you to step into new experiences with confidence. Emotional pain and past trauma can be identified and healed with Moldavite. This can be challenging to deal with, especially if these emotions are buried deep inside. However, the energetic qualities of Moldavite are thought to support this process of emotional healing and self-discovery.

The moldavite crystal is the stone of balance. It can work with any chakra to open, align, and clear energy blockages. However, due to its green colour it is especially beneficial for the heart chakra. Opening this chakra can enhance compassion, self-love, and help you build healthy relationships. Moldavite also works well with the third eye chakra, helping you to discover inner wisdom, visions, and dreams.

What’s more, moldavite can increase intuition and psychic abilities. For example, it can strengthen your connection to the spiritual realms and help you have clairvoyant dreams if you wear it to bed. This means you may receive dream messages from angels, spirit guides, and ancestors. Many believe that Moldavite can also benefit physical healing, including vision, mental clarity, and enhanced memory.

Moldavite Dreams

Moldavite can help you remember your dreams, interpret their meanings, or practice lucid dreaming. However, this is not recommended for people who have recently started working with the moldavite crystal. Its energy is very strong, and could disrupt sleep patterns or awaken emotional stress or anxiety.

Why is Moldavite So Popular On TikTok?

It's true there is some controversy surrounding the crystal moldavite. This has made it popular on social media as people are keen to see whether the tektite will affect them.

While moldavite can bring about wonderful change, it is a powerful stone, and its power shouldn’t be ignored. It can bring repressed emotions to the surface, or spark drastic changes in your life that you may not be ready for. Although these changes usually work out for the best, they can be emotionally draining at the time.

Moldavite will set you on the right path in life, and it won't hesitate to demolish your old path! If you're not ready for this, it can be very difficult to accept. Think of moldavite as a guide and catalyst for personal transformation. If you're not prepared for this level of growth or change, it can feel overwhelming.

Before working with moldavite, it's advisable to take time for shadow work and self-assessment. Consider whether you are emotionally prepared for potential upheaval and personal growth. If you decide to incorporate moldavite into your spiritual or healing practices, do so mindfully and gradually. Allow yourself the time and space to navigate the changes it may bring.

The Bottom Line On Moldavite

In conclusion, moldavite is a pretty cool little rock! A rare and expensive tektite with extreme transformative properties, this little tektite isn’t for the faint of heart.

The benefits are many, but the effects can be drastic. So don't pick this up just to follow the trend. Instead, begin your spiritual journey with gentler crystals such as quartz or malachite, and wait until the moldavite calls to you.

Moldavite's power is best harnessed when it aligns with your intentions and readiness for transformation. When the time is right, and you're prepared for the changes it may bring, moldavite can be a valuable companion on your spiritual journey, guiding you toward growth, healing, and self-discovery. Approach it with reverence, patience, and an open heart, and you may find it to be a truly extraordinary and transformative ally in your life.


What is moldative's chemical formula?

The chemical formula of moldavite is SiO2(+Al2O3). It scores between 5.5 to 7 on the Moh's hardness scale, meaning it is softer than a diamond but harder than other types of glass.

What signs can wear moldavite?

Moldavite can work with any zodiac and is not associated with any sign in particular.

Is moldavite Illegal?

It is not illegal to own moldavite.

Why is moldavite so expensive?

Moldavite is expensive because it is a finite substance and is only found in a few places. It's buried deep in the earth in small pieces, and digging it out is a costly process.

Is moldavite good or bad luck?

Moldavite is not known to affect luck. Instead, it acts as the holy grail of transformation., facilitating rapid change and putting you on the right path in life.

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